For over 14 years I had the good fortune of living side by side with my beautiful, white Labrador Retriever, Marlee. This special chapter in my life forever changed me and made me fully realize the importance of being grateful and of subsequently giving back.
For many years Marlee and I drove back and forth across the US together 2 to 4 times per year. Being a water dog I made sure she was able to explore the many swimming spots along the way such as Lake Tahoe, the Great Lakes, Lake McConaughy in NE, the Bear River in Wyoming, Lake Havasu, Key West, Carmel, and of course her favorite spot on the Atlantic shown above - Minot Beach in Scituate, MA. Whether it was just the two of us or if we travelled with others, it was always a big adventure! At times when I was not feeling well she would curl up against me and seemed to take the illness out of my body and into her own. This may be difficult to believe by some but I am sure there are many others who know exactly what I am talking about. Her last 3 months were particularly difficult as she stoically carried on while a spinal tumor took away her ability to feel her hind legs. Two months before her passing I made one of the best decisions of my life - to spend 9 days over New Years 2014 in Key West together exploring the island daily from the back of a golf cart, swimming as best she could in the warm Atlantic and eating breakfast on the porch together and shrimp cocktails on the beach every night. As she lay in my arms on her last day I promised her she would now simply continue to live within me and that together we would try to do wonderful things for many years to come for those that cannot help themselves. William M. Hale President The Marlee Foundation |
William M. Hale, President
B.S. Physics/MBA Boston College. Founder and CTO of AJA International, Inc. founded in 1989. William grew up an Air Force brat in Europe and in the eastern US as his father was 30 years in the military and a veteran of 3 wars. He is the proud father of 3 children, 6 grandchildren and is currently on his 3rd white Labrador Retriever, Misty. His second pup Mia is pictured from a SEAL TEAM Ocean Reef Event in 2023. |
Keven James, Board Member, B.A. Emmanuel College, Business Management, Sales Manager, AJA International, Inc. Keven shares a lifelong passion for animals and community involvement. "Coach Kev" as he is known throughout the town of Scituate, MA, can often be found training and mentoring the town's young athletes on the basketball courts. A devoted father of 3 boys, he is committed to raising them as individuals of quality and meaningful impact. Keven's love of family, animals and youth aligns seamlessly with the Marlee Foundation's impactful work.
Master Chief (SEAL) Rick Kaiser, USN (Retired)
Chief Executive Officer National Navy SEAL Museum and Navy SEAL Museum San Diego "Will, thank you for leaving no child left behind." |
Commander (SEAL) Grant Mann, USN (Retired)
Executive Director, National Navy SEAL Museum Fort Pierce |
Henry "Ike" Eisenbarth
Chairman - Unit Scholarship Fund US Army (Ret.) |